
Geoffrey Chaucer's ages important questions

Top 80 MCQ on Geoffrey Chaucer Top 80 MCQ on Geoffrey Chaucer- It’s important to have a good collection of MCQ on Geoffrey Chaucer for competitive examination. It is also suitable for  TGT English ,  PGT English ,  UGC Net ,  UPSC , and another lecturer test. Chaucer Age is one of the important parts of  English literature  to be read by the aspirant. Geoffery Chaucer is considered one of the famous  English literature . The students who are preparing for  English literature  must read this MCQ on Geoffrey  Chaucer  and other ages. This article is suitable for all the 1- Between which sets of dates did Chaucer live A- 1340-1400 B-1345-1385 C-1340-1348 D-1349-1400   2-Chaucer lived during the reigns of A- Edward III, Richard II, and Henry IV B-Edward III C-Edward II D-Edward I   3- Which of the following was the closest contemporary of Chaucer? A-  William Langland B- Wyclif C-John Barbour D-John Gower   4-Who called Chaucer ”the father of English  poetry ”? A- Dryden B-Arnold C-Spenser